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Valve’s not-so-secret project was unceremoniously dropped onto Steam, giving players a chance to try out the MOBA shooter hybrid. The MOBA genre has its favorite games locked in at this point, and we’ve seen developers attempt to create hybrids in the past, but it looks like Valve may have cracked the code with Deadlock.

Featuring a roster of just over 20 Deadlock characters, each fighter comes equipped with various abilities and powers not too dissimilar from what DOTA and League players are used to seeing. Like in most MOBAs, there are cooldowns to think about, level ups that allow you to upgrade your character, and an in-game store to spend your hard-earned gold in. There’s also a zip line mechanic to help get around the arena faster, saving you lots of time having to run around the map with nothing to do. Valve has nailed the third-person shooter mechanics, and with so many variables that lead to incredible team synergies, there’s a lot of room to experiment with builds and item purchases.

At this time, you need to receive an invitation from someone who already has the game to gain access to the Deadlock playtest. Fortunately, the game has been played by hundreds of thousands of people, so you’re bound to know someone who has access.